About The Thomega Entertainment Canada Remembers Documentaries
Six Part Documentary Series and Teachers Guide
Thomega Entertainment’s Canada Remembers Documentary series includes stories of achievements and sacrifices of Canadian men and women.
Thomega Entertainment’s Canada Remembers Commemoration Project, has made it a priority to successfully distribute this important programming to thousands of secondary and elementary schools (including libraries, Legions and other related organizations) by the fall of 2018 and the spring of 2019.
About Thomega Entertainments, Canada Remembers, National Documentary Programming
Since 1997, The Thomega Entertainment Canada Remembers Documentary Series has appeared on National TV on many occurrences (Global, Vision TV, AMI, CityTV, APTN and CTV Regional). Canada Remembers also has been distributed as an educational distributed as an optional school educational curriculum plan and or, a valuable in school history resource set to a few hundred schools nationwide.
Thomega learned that within the schools that made it a priority to purchase our program, the teachers were often left to use their own financial resources, making it challenging for each school or library to acquire access to the funding, especially with now more common yearly school budget reductions.
We have also been told by many teachers, especially in smaller towns, that sadly there is now less access to Veterans who are able to come to schools and meet with students in person. The Thomega Canada Remembers programming gives these Veterans a voice and helps keep their message alive, forever.

“We are so pleased with our Thomega Canada Remembers series and Teachers Guide. It has been well received by hundreds of students since 2014, who have found the programming very informing and engaging. It reflects well on the sacrifices of our Veterans. Very well done, it will last for generations.” Teacher, Darryl Heskin Tommy Douglas Collegiate, Saskatoon, SK
**Each school receives the “LIFE TIME RIGHTS” to present and show each of the six, 47 minute documentaries for EVER, into PERPETUITY.